Depression is a serious illness and people should always see their GP as a first point of call. As part of a plan to deal with depression acupuncture can have a very useful role.
Over the 20+ years I have been working as an acupuncturist I have been pleasantly surprised by acupunctures ability to help people move from a place of low mood/depression back to a more normal situation. People who have felt tired all the time and have lost their 'zest for life' have reported feeling re-energised and more able to cope with lifes ups and downs.
While it must not be used as a replacement for proper medical advice (from your GP) I truly believe that it can be a great addition & help.
If you live in the Greystones, Delgany, Bray, Wicklow or south Dublin area and would like to try some acupuncture please give me a call and we can have a chat abut your particular needs.
Studies have found that acupuncture can...
My own experience is that people often find acupuncture to be a brilliant help to getting back on track, and staying there. The most frequent comment I get from people following a course of acupuncture is that they feel more grounded or generally better in themselves.
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